My Weight Loss Journey
I used to weigh a lot more - and live a lot less.
Throughout my childhood I was overweight. As a teen, I was overweight. And in adulthood, until the age of 31, I was obese. It wasn't genetics, or bad luck or bad parenting. I had developed unhealthy relationships with food and activity. I didn’t like the way I looked and I didn’t like the way I felt. I was embarrassed abut my body and felt powerless about my health. I avoided social interactions and many activities that I enjoyed (like swimming or dating or going to the beach) because I was worried about being judged. I was certainly judging myself and finding myself lacking. I had tried to lose weight so many times, often getting off to a good start, then losing motivation, giving up and going back to my bad habits. My weight and my self-esteem were holding me back from living my best life.
Eventually things got so bad I decided I wasn’t going to live like that anymore - and I chose to change. I finally realised that no one else was going to do it for me and that it was me that was going to have to do things differently. Trouble is, I didn't really know how. I knew what I should be doing (eat healthier, move more) - I just didn't seem capable of sticking to it. So, I reached out for extra support and accountability. I joined Weight Watchers to learn about living healthily and started making small changes. During my journey I saw lots of other people start, lots of other people quit and a few others inspire me with their success. What I determined during my journey, was that it was not really about the plan. It was learning how to get to the heart of what the overeating, the doubt, the self-sabotage were really masking. It was about learning to face my fears, take ownership of my choices and become the creator of my life (and my results).
In just over a year I lost more than 50 Kg and transformed every aspect of my life for the better. I learned to master my habits and to integrate a healthy mindset, healthy food and healthy movement into my life. Now it's just the way I live - and I've maintained my healthy weight ever since. I was so inspired by the difference that I was able to create in my life that I quit my old job and made helping others achieve their goals my mission in life. Since 2008 I have coached thousands of people to make powerful, lasting changes and to Live More Life.
Would you like me to help you? Let's have a conversation about how we might work together.
Then: In 2005 I weighed 112 kg (247 lbs)
Now: In 13 months, I lost 50 kg (110 lbs)
and have maintained my goal weight of 61 kg (134 lbs) ever since.